Sunday, December 27, 2020

What you see ....When you can see!!!

Jesus said it: ".....because, looking, they look in vain, and hearing they hear in vain, neither do they get the sense of it; and toward them the prophecy of Isaiah is having fulfillment, which says, 'By hearing, you will hear but by no means get the sense of it; and, looking, you will look but by no means see." Matthew 13.13,14

They appear to try. Look at John 5.39: "You are searching the scriptures, because you think by means of them you will have everlasting life and these are the very ones that bear witness about me."

Paul put it this way in 2Thess.2.9-12 " But the lawless one’s presence is by the operation of Satan+ with every powerful work and lying signs and wonders*+ 10 and every unrighteous deception+ for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth in order that they might be saved. 11 That is why God lets a deluding influence mislead them so that they may come to believe the lie,+ 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness."

Romans 3.14:" But their mental powers were dulled."

One such one that has escaped Trinitarianism a Professor who taught at Masters University and ended up resigning because of the doctrine wrote:

"Trinitarians are victims of a kind of a kind of cult-ish persuasion, where once someone has been thoroughly indoctrinated into a system of theology, they are unable to read Scripture and ascertain it's true historical meaning, but are bound to see in it's pages, only the theology into which they were indoctrinated.

It's like in Romans 11.8 Paul speaks of these ones: just as it is written: “God has given them a spirit of deep sleep,+ eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, down to this very day.


Friday, December 25, 2020

Genesis 19.24 Two Jehovah's ?.... 0r simple Illeism

"Then Jehovah made it rain sulphur and fire from Jehovah, from the heavens upon Sodom and Gomorrah. Genesis 19.24

For years in my discusion with trinitarians I have met with some advocating that two Jehovah's, are mentioned here in Genesis.. I would quickly retort with simple Herbraic idiom of speaking of oneself in 3rd person something common in Hebrew speech and even english denoting only one person. 1 Kings 8.1 boistered that Hebraic idomism:"At that time Solomon proceeded to congregate the older men of Israel King Solomon. was always a quick example of Solomon speaking about Solomon.


As Acts 8.34 ask by the Eunuch. "I beg you about whom does the prophet say this? "About himself or about some other man?" An appropriate question to ask in reference to names shared in contextual parallels. What most refer to as illeism.

 Illeism is refering to oneself in the 3rd person within a text where 1st person is also present. Trinitarians have purported that these are plural hints of a plurality of God. Definatly anachronistic in understanding.

So in my attempt to clarify, here are some Biblical examples of illeism. It is also of interest that these examples are so common that we usually don't even recognize them as being such. For example I have thought of in regular speech some illeistic expressions  'Do you want your Dad to fix that. Obviously only one person is being spoken of .

Here are a few examples of illeism found in the scriptures.

Exodus 33.19 "But he said:"I will cause all my goodness to pass before your face, and I will declare the name of Jehovah before you.....(Here Jehovah is speaking of delaring the name of Jehovah.) (Two Jehovah's or illeism?)

2 Samuel 7.11b "And Jehovah has told you that a house is what Jehovah will make for you. (Two Jehovah's or simple illeism ?

Hosea 1.7 Here Jehovah is comforting the prophet. "I shall show mercy, and I shall save them by Jehovah their God. Two Jehovah's or simple illeism?

Genesis 9.12-15 Here God is speaking and saying that the rainbow is a covenant to time indefinite between God and every living soul. Are two Gods here mentioned or illeism?

Jehovah routinly refers to the House of Jehovah. Isa. 66.20; Jer.17.26; Hos.8.1

Two David's in 1 Samuel 25.22? or is this illeistic?

Genesis 4.23 Lamech titles his wives,'Wives of Lamech. Two Lamech's or illeistic?

A most quoted scripture. John 17.1,3. Here Jesus is praying to his Father. Jesus prays: "This means everlasting life, Taking in knowledge of you the only true God and the one who you sent forth Jesus Christ. Are their two Jesus' mentioned here or illeism?

If it were not for strained and tendentious attempts to prove the trinity we would see the absurdity of such claims.

See JETS 52/3 Sept. 2009 by Andrew S. Malone