Dale Tuggy and Cole Debate the Trinity.
"In my opinion Tuggy won the debate. The Trinitarians position has to accept a presumed stance
in that somewhere in the biblical text we see 3 persons, modes of being or selves making up
on substance called God. Where is that idea ever found or articulated in the Bible?
The term ho theos refers to the Father. Tuggy was right when he said that Satan is a god.
Was Satan a False god? I would say no. He truly is the god of this world. Again showing that theos
or god can be used in different senses. I thought the text in Hebrews 1 showed that Jesus could be a god but he has a God to himself. The expression that Jesus existed from ‘eternity past’ carries little weight with
Some try to go to John 1.1 and use ‘en arke en ho logos’ but what beginning are we speaking of? The Gen.1.1 beginning. If so I have no problem with that at all. Trinitarians have to invent new meanings for Greek words.
They throw around words and expressions that are never articulated in the Bible.
They interchange in there speech God, Jesus, Father, Lord, on a whim. And when you tell them to stop and think
about what they just said they become defensive and realize there position requires them to go to mysterianism.
I have never met a Trinitarian that could prove that 3 persons make up one God without redefining the clear meanings of the word god in the Bible."