Friday, March 30, 2018

The absurdity of atheism

As I am reading Murray's "The Problem Of God", A few Jewels of thought are considered.

On Nietzsche's coined expression, " The Death Of God," Murray writes: "The death of God is not a fact; it never happened. But men have projected  the idea, as a fact, into history in an effort to account
for an aspect of the human condition and for a direction of human striving in what has been called the "age of the absence of god."

As Pascal said concerning God and his existence that it "takes us by the throat." The problem of God is unique in that no man may say of it, "It is not my problem." Dostoievski's challenge is valid: If God is not, everything is permitted." But the challenge needs to be amended to include, except one thing." If God is not, no one is permitted to say or think that he is, for this would be a monstrous deception of oneself and of others. It would be to cherish and propagate a pernicious illusion whose result would necessarily be the destruction of man."

"On the other hand, if God is, again one thing is not permitted. It is not permitted that any man should be ignorant of him, for this is ignorance, too, would be the destruction of man. On both counts, therefore no man may say that the problem of God is not a problem."  The problem of God pg. 4

As noted above the decision on whether there is a God is one that cannot be avoided. Pascal basically says as much. Either there is a God or not. The consequences fall on both sides of one choosing. Yet to choose the negative argument thrust you into a category of lack of moral responsibility since morality can only really come from a moral law giver.

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